Financing Capacity Analysis (2019)

In 2018, the Commercial Property Owners Coalition (CPOC), a group representing multiple property owners along the CCT corridor, requested a planning-level analysis is to assess the approximate tax rates for financing a portion of the costs of the CCT with a special taxing district. The analysis was completed in a collaborative effort by CPOC, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) and MDOT. The analysis is detailed in a Technical Memo and provides a preliminary understanding of potential alternatives to levy a special tax rate on certain properties within a district to generate revenue to repay bonds issued to finance $100 million of CCT project costs.

Environmental Assessment (2017)

Following approval by both the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) Project was released on August 18, 2017. The EA documents the CCT alternatives development process and identifies potential natural, cultural, and socioeconomic effects that may result from the proposed CCT Project. Digital copies of the document are available for download below:

Due to digital size limitations, Appendix F: Technical Reports are available only by individual request. The Technical Reports include the following:

  • Air Quality Technical Report
  • Alternatives Technical Report
  • Energy Technical Memorandum
  • Environmental Justice Technical Report
  • Hazardous Materials Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
  • Indirect and Cumulative Effects Technical Report
  • Natural Resources Technical Report
  • Noise and Vibration Technical Report
  • Phase 1 Archeological Survey Technical Report
  • Purpose and Need Technical Memorandum
  • Socioeconomic Technical Report
  • Traffic Technical Report
  • Visual Analysis Technical Memorandum

Supplemental Alternatives Analysis (2010)

In November 2010, the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MDOT MTA) completed a Supplemental EA to provide more detailed environmental and engineering analysis for new CCT Project alternatives to better serve the proposed developments of Crown Farm, Life Sciences and Kentlands. Thereafter, in December 2011, FHWA and FTA jointly concurred that the CCT Project has independent utility from the highway components of the I-270/US 15 Multi-Modal Corridor Study and the CCT Project could proceed with NEPA compliance separate from the highway alternatives in the I-270/US 15 Multi-Modal Corridor Study.

Alternatives Analysis/Environmental Assessment (2009)

In May 2009, the FHWA and FTA circulated an Alternatives Analysis/Environmental Assessment that analyzed new highway alternatives and reviewed the previously studied CCT alternatives.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (2002)

In May 2002, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the I-270/US 15 Multi-Modal Corridor Study for public review and comment. The DEIS evaluated the impacts of 35 miles of highway improvements along the I-270/US 50 corridor and a 15-mile long CCT Project.